70-year-old woman pulled alive 121 hours after earthquake in Kahramanmaras
KAHRAMANMARAS, TURKIYE - FEBRUARY 11: 70-year-old woman, Menekse Kabak is rescued from rubble 121 hours after two powerful earthquakes, in Turkiye’s Kahramanmaras on February 11, 2023. Early Monday morning, a strong 7.7 earthquake, centered in the Pazarcik district, jolted Kahramanmaras and strongly shook several provinces, including Gaziantep, Sanliurfa, Diyarbakir, Adana, Adiyaman, Malatya, Osmaniye, Hatay, and Kilis. Later, at 13.24 p.m. (1024GMT), a 7.6 magnitude quake centered in Kahramanmaras' Elbistan district struck the region. Turkiye declared 7 days of national mourning after deadly earthquakes in southern provinces.
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