Swiss Guards welcome new recruits to protect Pope in Vatican City
VATICAN - MAY 6: 23 soldiers joining the Swiss Guards will take their oaths and begin their duties on May 6th, which is an important date for this oldest unit.Before the oath ceremony, the Swiss Guards opened the doors of their barracks to a group of journalists, including an AA correspondent.According to the spokesperson of the Swiss Guards, Ellia Cinotti, they are the most authorized body for the protection of the Pope in the Vatican. Therefore, they are the closest people to the spiritual leader of Catholics.Cinotti explained that although it was difficult for them at first, it is now easy to adapt to sudden developments because Pope Francis wants to be open to people and be close to them. He also mentioned that the soldiers were sent to the Swiss Army for two weeks of firearms training.Cinotti said that Pope Francis, who is originally from Argentina, does not watch television, but he was happy when he received the news that Argentina had become the world champion. In response to a question about whether female guards would be accepted into the unit, Cinotti said that the decision-maker on this matter is the Pope.The Swiss Guards, the world’s oldest and smallest guard unit still active, have been keeping the Pope and the residences of the Vatican safe for more than 500 years.Created by Pope Julius II in 1506, Swiss guards stand out as the only guard unit that has been active, although there have been some interruptions. The Swiss Guards, was previously 110, but the number of soldiers was increased to 135 in 2019. To serve in the Swiss Guards, there are certain must-haves that need to be met.Volunteer applications to join the Swiss Guards are open to Catholic and Swiss citizens who are university graduates, have completed their military service, are single men between the ages of 19 and 30, and stand at least 174 centimeters tall.Applicants who succeed in hard exams and interviews can be admitted to the unit. Once admitted, they go through two months of careful training and then swear an oath to serve as a Swiss Guard for a total of two years.
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